My goal my ambition

 My plans for my future, I want to be a successful person and be able to be devoted to my parents, for now I have an online shop business, this business started with my brother who struggled to develop this business. Then my brother often gave me advice and motivation, so that I, too, wanted to do the same thing, namely doing business. I am currently still running a business with my brother, an I am also planning to open my own business. 

I think that at this young age, I am more interested in doing activities that can benefit, especially for my future, let me work hard and try hard in my youth, and later my hard work will be rewarded, and become worship for me too. 

Sometimes people underestimate people who are not smart or people who are looked down upon, even though, their future is not determined by him but by God. In fact, with his insult, it can be an encouragement for someone to get up. So, respect someone's way of life, because we don't know the struggle for life, this earth rotates and destiny can change. 

Dinda Rahma juwita (08)

